
My name is Amanda Stoddart Hinkle (ASH) and this is my story. I am a wife and stay at home mom to my miracle rainbow baby Tanner Brock. He is our lucky number 7 after losing 6 consecutive pregnancies before we had him. I was adopted at birth and raised by a father who was an attorney specializing in adoptions, to say it was unique was an understatement. I have lots of stories to share and love writing so blogging makes perfect sense for me. My son Tanner was speech delayed and after evaluation they believe he might be autistic. He is thriving in behavioral therapy and loves using flashcards when he’s playing. I began creating language learning tools for him to use during therapy and love sharing them in my blog and through my Etsy shop.

I specialize in flashcards, worksheets and morning boards. All of my products are created with learning in mind and a focus on toddlers and early childhood. Having the right tools around to encourage language learning and enhance early childhood development makes lots of difference. I have watched my son thrive using different tools that are fun and colorful for him, but also encourage his speech development and understanding. I am constantly working on designing new items for my son and for the shop. If you have any questions or suggestions please send me a message! Custom orders are always welcome as well!